About These Days/About This Torah
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz's sermons from Congregation L'Dor V'Dor's High Holiday and Shabbat services. Congregation L'Dor V'Dor is located in Oyster Bay, Long Island but its teachings and songs know no geographical boundaries. www.rabbimoskowitz.com.
About These Days/About This Torah
Rebalancing Our Lives
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz
Season 3
Episode 1
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz's Rosh Hashanah morning sermon about the importance and need of reacquainting with the natural world. Drawing on personal experiences he offers three suggestions: 1) explore our own backyards, 2) reclaim Shabbat as an affirmation of nature and 3) unplug from technology regularly. This sermon was recorded in our synagogue's sanctuary. To read the written word visit his blog: rabbimoskowitz.com.