About These Days/About This Torah
Rabbi Steven Moskowitz's sermons from Congregation L'Dor V'Dor's High Holiday and Shabbat services. Congregation L'Dor V'Dor is located in Oyster Bay, Long Island but its teachings and songs know no geographical boundaries. www.rabbimoskowitz.com.
About These Days/About This Torah
Why We Need Israel (and Zionism)
Congregation L'Dor V'Dor
Season 3
Episode 3
Rabbi Moskowitz's Yom Kippur morning sermon about why American Jews need to reexamine the meaning of Zionism and Israel. He argues that we need Israel as much as Israel needs us. He begins by telling the story of Zionism's beginnings and then offers contemporary examples of what Israelis are doing to live the values of rescuing others and alleviating suffering. Israel may not always be perfect, but Israelis are really trying to do better.